Sitting alongside his co-star, and on-screen arch nemesis, Dominic Cooper, the pair discussed how their approach to taking on roles have changed across the courses of their career, in accordance with their standing in the industry. “At the beginning when you start in the business you want to just work, back in the day I would just do whatever came my way,” Paul said. “But now, I’m at a point where I try to do stuff that I truly, in my heart, believe in. Like this film, it was just on the page, I loved the story, I kept talking with Scott [Waugh] about his vision behind it, how he really wanted to do a throwback to the films that really started the genre, which was very exciting to me, the fact that he didn’t want to use any CGI or green screen. He’s a second generation stuntman and he wanted to bring stunts back into it, that was very exciting.”
Such a sentiment was echoed by Cooper, though he admitted that being more in control, and more demanding over which projects to undertake, can bring about its own set of new challenges. “It’s funny because you go from being in a space of ultimately taking anything, auditioning for as many things as possible, then it changes to being thrown scripts,” the English actor said. “The dynamic changes and you have to be very careful about what you think is right for you, and what will help people remove you from what they see you as being able to do. That’s really hard in itself. It’s a very nice position to be in, in comparison to the one you were in before, but it’s also hard. The only thing you can trust in, is to do something you think you can bring something interesting to, and will challenge you.”
Cooper then went on to explain what tempted him in to Need for Speed, while explaining what he feels the casting of his colleague Paul brings to this particular project. “You could judge this by its name, and its origins, which is a game about car racing. Yes you love what the director is saying about it, and you completely trust that he wants to do a proper old-fashioned car racing film. But also the ideas of who he wants to be in the film, that changes it completely. The fact Aaron is going to be the central character, it turns it into something completely different. Someone like Imogen [Poots] to play the love interest – it’s a much more different dynamic and makes it something completely different, and therefore very interesting.”
Paul was quick to return the compliment, singing the praises of his co-star. “The Devil’s Double was such an underrated movie, it was so, so brilliant. What this guy [Dominic Cooper] did in that film, I was so shocked that he was not standing on a stage accepting many awards, or least to be nominated. He was just so phenomenal. When he signed on to do this film, I knew I had made the right decision doing it, because I really look up to this man.”
Though Need for Speed is based on a video game, it’s one devoid of any characters, focusing solely on the racing aspects. It was therefore difficult for the actors to take anything away from the game, or mould their characters around it, though Paul admits it allowed them far more creative freedom. “What was great about making the game into a film, is that we were working with a blank canvas. Really, whatever story we wanted to put into this film we could, as long as we were dealing with fast cars and the director wanted to put the audience into the driver’s seat. He did that.”
Paul acknowledges the fact that without Breaking Bad, it would be far more of a challenge to be awarded the leading role in such a mainstream, big-budget endeavour – however he remains adamant that this newfound celebrity status has not changed him in the slightest. “I don’t think fame changes people, I think that fame and success really bring out what’s deep inside of someone,” he said. “Like a lot of people think money changes people, I don’t agree with that, I think that money really shows the true honesty of what is inside of one’s being. With me, I feel like I’m kind of the same person. I had a very humble upbringing, I didn’t have much growing up and it was my decision to go out to LA from my home. I had to do it on my own dime simply because my parents couldn’t help me financially. And it took me so many years of struggle to get to the place where I’m at today, so I really appreciate it and I’m really happy I went through that struggle. Who knows what could happen if success happened for me instantly, maybe I’d be in the same position, I don’t know, but I’m grateful.”
Nobody can question the commitment and incredible hard work Paul has put in to his career, now becoming one of the most-sought after actors in Hollywood. But what pushed the actor into this career path? What made him think, this is what I want to do? It seems like this website’s very own inspiration played some part… “I’ve ben a fan of movies ever since I can remember, when I decided I wanted to do this as a living, is when I saw films like The Goonies, or Stand By Me, it was the first time where I watched movies where I didn’t just see characters, but I saw kids, like myself, playing characters in movies. That’s when I made the decision I wanted to do this.”
So now, with Breaking Bad very firmly behind Paul we look forward to this new chapter in his acting career, and with Need for Speed and A Long Way Down both coming out within a mere matter of days of each other, we’re likely to be seeing a lot more of this talented performer. But, that’s not to say he doesn’t miss the show that truly defines his career thus far.
“It was hard to say goodbye to a show I was a part of for so many years, we were just such a family. Really you hope to find that on sets, a lot of the relationships begin and end on the set, but in Breaking Bad, we talk all the time. It was hard to say goodbye.”
Need For Speed is out on March 12, and you can read our review of the film here.