Need for Speed hits DVD and Blu-ray shelves this very day and to mark the release, Entertainment One hatched a grand and elaborate plan! That plan was to collate as many Supercars as they could together and create a convoy from Liverpool to London. The convoy would travel to our great nation’s capital on a glorious sunny afternoon to be snapped at Potter Fields in front of Tower Bridge. I’m very pleased to report the plan worked like a charm!
HeyUGuys were invited up to the ProDrive track in Warwickshire to complete a lap of the track in a Porsche 9ff, be thrown all over the place and do their best not to be sick all over a very expensive car. We’re pleased to report we passed with flying colours although Dave does admit to being somewhat queezy towards the end.
Check out our highlights reel below which includes travelling down to London from the Midlands and ending up in Potters Fields. Thanks to everyone who made this possible and don’t forget, Need For Speed starring Aaron Paul is out on DVD and Blu-ray now.