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HBO and Zack Snyder Reportedly Discussing a Watchmen TV Series


Well, it’s fair to say that none of us saw this coming! According to a new report, HBO and Zack Snyder have met about bringing Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ Watchmen to the cable network responsible for hits like Game of Thrones, True Detective, and The Sopranos.

The Man of Steel director brought the critically acclaimed graphic novel to the big screen back in 2009, and while it received favourable reviews and fans loved it (Moore predictably did not), the movie didn’t make a huge impact at the box office, especially as it was fairly pricey anyway. As of right now, it sounds like this potential TV adaptation is still in the very, very early stages of development, but it’s hard not to get excited over what it might entail.

A couple of years ago, DC Comics launched a series of Watchmen prequels titled Before Watchmen. Those chronicled the lives of the main characters from the series before we met them, but there are really any number of directions that a TV show could end up going.

After all, neither the movie nor original graphic novel spent much time with the Watchmen as a team, and how about the Minutemen? Then there’s what happened after the story wrapped up with Rorschach’s potentially world ending diary ending up in the hands of the press.

It could be some time before we hear anything official on this, but how do you feel about Watchmen coming to HBO in some form? Let us know your thoughts on this news below.


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