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‘Green Hornet and Kato’ film in development at Universal


A new movie version of ‘Green Hornet and Kato’ is now in developing after Universal has partnered up with Amasia Entertainment who now own the film franchise rights.

At this stage, details for the film are still being considered. Originally starting life as a radio show in the ’30s, the story went on to spawn the 1966 TV series starring Bruce Lee and the Michel Gondry 2011 feature film which starred Seth Rogan, Cameron Diaz and Christoph Waltz.

A masked crime-fighting superhero created in 1936 by George W. Trendle and Fran Striker, Hornet is the alter ego of Britt Reid, an American newspaper publisher who dons a green mask and wields guns to fight crime. He is aided in this endeavour by his Asian valet-turned-partner Kato, with the two speeding around town in a futuristic car known as the Black Beauty.

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Peter Cramer, president of Universal Pictures, said: “The Green Hornet is one of the most iconic and beloved superhero tales ever created, and it has entertained generations of fans in every form of storytelling. We are thrilled to be partnering with Michael, Bradley, and the entire Amasia team to launch an exciting new cinematic world for Britt Reid, Kato, and the Black Beauty, and we can’t wait to share it with global audiences soon.”

The search for writers will commence shortly.



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