Darren Aronofsky has managed to get the green-light for his tale of the Biblical flood survived by Noah and his family as recorded in Genesis and so his graphic novel version of the same story, which would have been an attempt to drum up enough studio interest to secure that green-light, can now see the light of day in its own right and on its own terms, without any pressure on it to serve as a promotional vehicle.

There is a sumptuous looking poster and some suitably apocalyptic and bleak artwork available now, which you can enjoy below at your leisure, together with a trailer for the graphic novel. From all of this it looks as though a great deal of thoroughly productive thought has gone into the world that Noah inhabits and how he and the ancient near East will be represented. The panels below even suggest that the graphic novel will track back to the fall of man in Eden and Abel’s death at Cain’s hand. I wasn’t sure what to make of this project, though now you may feel free to put me in the “intrigued” column. Here’s a translation of the French synopsis for good measure:-

It was a world without hope, a world with no rain and no crops, dominated by warlords and their barbarian hordes. In this cruel world, Noah was a good man. Seasoned fighter, mage and healer but he only wanted peace for him and his family. Yet every night, Noah was beset by visions of an endless flood, symbolizing the destruction of all life. Gradually he began to understand the message sent him by the Creator. He had decided to punish the men and kill them until the last. But he gave Noah a last chance to preserve life on Earth …

Much thanks to Collider for the source-ness.

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0fkWks2kRY’]