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Breaking Down Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 – “Oathbreaker”



The last hour in Westeros left the world’s collective mouth firmly agape.

Such shocking revelations came to light in “Home” (full review here), and even more beguiling narrative arcs began to unfold. One of them so potent that we felt the need to ask that burning question: is Tyrion a Targaryen?

In the wake of that truly tremendous episode, our third outing in Game of Thrones Season 6 isn’t applying the brakes at all, rather accelerating through the gears as it provides towering revelations. “Oathbreaker” delivers a beautiful assortment of riveting dialogue exchanges, taut character progression, and decisions which take a major step forwards in the overall endgame.

GoT Oath

The Title: “Oathbreaker”

What Does It Mean?

A direct link to Lord Commander Jon Snow, the titular phrase is referential to the bastard at Castle Black who has now returned from beyond the grave.

Many would have likely wondered what would have changed since his resurrection, but thankfully a sense of darkness is vacant. Fear and confusion most certainly, but this is still very much Jon Snow.

However, he is using his death as an exit strategy. Ser Allister, Bowen Marsh, Othello Warwick, and young Olly are stationed in the gallows ready to face their punishment for murder and treason. The men say their final words, and as you’d expect, Ser Allister provides the most poetic speech of the group.

Jon Snow pauses and inhales. His brothers and the Wildlings watching with intent. He draws his sword and cuts the rope. All four men perish.

He hands Dolorous Edd his furred robe and says “My watch has ended”. Despite Ser Allister so desperately wanting to kill Jon Snow (and succeeding…), he was loyal to his Night’s Watch oath. In death, he is relieved. Here’s the full oath:

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post.

I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men.

I pledge my life and honor to the Night’s Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.

Most Shocking Moment:

We remain firmly in the cold for this week’s biggest shocker, and it leaves us all pondering one major question. Well, we say in the cold, but really it takes place at The Tower of Joy.

Bran Stark and the Three-Eyed Raven remain North of the Wall in training, and in their latest session, they revisit a legendary folklore for the young warg: his brave father Ned valiantly slaying the most fearsome Targaryen swordsman in all of the Seven Kingdoms: Ser Arthur Dayne.

Now this revisitation scene is greatly important and surprising for far more reasons than simply aesthetic. Ned and his loyal companions ask of the soldiers (Dayne and Ser Oswell Whent) as to where his sister Lyanna is. She was “kidnapped” by Rhaegar Targaryen.

The group engage in combat and all Ned’s followers fall slain to the Iron Price. Bran eagerly awaits his father’s remarkable victory as he kills a man armed with two thrashing blades, but the climax is quite different. Beaten, isolated and without a blade, the Stark is facing certain death, but soon a believed dead man buries a knife into the back of the Targaryen and enables Ned to save his bacon. Just…

Now to dip into the vast GoT archives, scenes like this are further puzzle pieces to a potential portrait that has been building for some time: Lyanna + Rhaegar = Jon Snow. Howland Reed – one of Ned’s companions – survives the battle in the books. He is absent from the show, but his children aren’t, and that’s no accident. In fact, they are stationed with Bran. The young boy who is desperate to know everything about his family heritage and journey. The young boy who needs to know what resides inside that mysterious tower which overlooked the temporary battlefield.

As his training intensifies with the Three-Eyed Raven, so do a plethora of complex theories, and they will almost certainly be serving up many-a-shock during this season.

Biggest Agenda:

A scenic venture across the Narrow Sea towards Braavos is required now, which takes us back to the House of Black and White as Arya Stark (or No One…) continues to face-off against that unrelenting mean girl whilst adapting to her blindness.

However despite such dramatic disadvantages, she is become more sensually aware. Her hearing, touch and scent are elevating and soon she pulls an almost Daredevil-inspired block and counter strike. On her bid to becoming a Faceless Man, she is overcoming vast obstacles.

Jaqen H’ghar finds Ayra in a state of quiet reflection following her bruising exchanges and tells her he will “give back her eyes” if she tells him her name. “A girl has no name.” she poignantly replies.

He takes her to the fountain at the centre of the Hall of Faces and tentatively hands her a small serving chalice. Ayra drinks and holds her composure for a longer than expected period. Her eyelids roll back and she can now see.

She is valiantly proving her worth and loyalty to H’ghar and his mentorship, but what makes Arya so dangerous and unpredictable is her layers. She fails to reveal all the names on her Hit List when provoked. She deliberately hid her trusty sword ‘Needle’ for a reason. One’s best bet is she’ll return to Westeros as both a lethal assassin, and a noble Stark.

Best Overall Moment:

The Iron Throne’s homeland is the location for “Oathbreaker”‘s crowning moment. Cersei Lannister’s Frankenstein-enthused Maester Qyburn (who successfully zombified Ser Gregor Clegane…) has reeled Varys’ “little birds” and understands how they trade “whispers” for flavoursome treats such as candied plums. Already the infiltration of his usually water-tight spy network has begun.

Armed with “The Mountain” and brother Jaime, the Queen Mother invades a Small Council meeting with Queen of Thorns Lady Olenna Tyrell, Kevan Lannister, Mace Tyrell and Grand Maester Pycelle. In trademark Highgarden style, Lady Olenna gleefully scorns Cersei in her own home. “You’re not the queen because you’re not married to the king,” she smirks. “Though I realise that gets confusing in your family.”

Whilst Kevan and the remainder of the Small Council agree that they cannot make the Lannisters leave, they do not have the power to make them stay. Exiting cautiously, he claims “…unless you have that thing kill us…”

The influence of “The Mountain” upon the Red Keep makes for some truly engrossing television. It seems as though showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are foreshadowing the murder of her uncle at the hands of her undead servant, and that Ser Gregor will most certainly feature in a second Trial by Combat for the house during this season.

The Verdict:

Expanding densely on the outcomes of last week, “Oathbreaker” is yet another exceptional addition to this already brilliant sixth voyage. Tense, lean and surprising, it is what makes the show just so unique.

The transitions of primary players such as Jon Snow and Arya are endlessly fascinating and anticipations will surely heighten for their developments as we press onwards.

Also, it is one of the few times that audiences will likely be pleased that a kid gets killed. I mean, we know Torment Giantsbane and the Wildings did end Olly’s parents, but that little one had it coming…

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Chris' love affair with cinema started years ago when school teachers would moan to his parents that he spends too much time quoting & not enough working. He has a degree in Film Studies now so how do you like those apples past teachers and doubters? Despite being a romancer of all things Woody Allen & Michael Haneke, Chris has favourite films in the majority of genres and is a complete sucker for bumbling indie types. He's also prone to gazing at beautiful actresses - particularly Felicity Jones, Jennifer Lawrence & Scarlett Johansson - for overly long periods of time. Just thought we'd warn you ladies...


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