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Oscars & Razzie Rundown – the Best and Worst stars to swap stage for screen


This Sunday the 2019 Academy Awards are held, and the spotlight of the world’s media will be fixed firmly on MovieLand. The winners of the coveted statues will see their stock in the entertainment world rise dramatically, while those who pick up the Oscar antithesis, The Razzie, will see red carpets pulled from under their feet.

The number crunchers at Betway have tallied up the Oscars and Razzie haul for the many singers turned actors, and put together some very interesting stats to bear in mind for Sunday night.

This year Lady Gaga is all set for glory as Best Actress in this Sunday’s Oscar ceremony, as well as being up for Best Song. Bradley Cooper’s astonishing version of A Star is Born has impressed critics and thrilled audiences across the world, and her portrayal of Ally has already won plaudits on the awards circuit. If she is awarded an Oscar this weekend then the acting world will be her oyster. But it’s not a guaranteed thing…

With her nomination she has joined the ranks of other singers who have sought success on the silver screen. The likes of Bing Crosby, Will Smith and Winner for Best Actress in 1987 for the wonderful Moonstruck, Cher, have all made their mark on the acting world. Recently Jennifer Hudson won the award for Best Supporting Actress for her debut in Dreamgirls. She, like Lady Gaga, was playing a musician, a role which certainly plays to their respective strengths, but which also demands a great deal of emotional gravitas.

Luckily it seems unlikely that Lady Gaga will join Madonna in bagging a number of Razzies for her work. Madonna ‘won’ the Worst Actress and Worst Supporting Actress awards for her memorable roles in Body of Evidence and Swept Away. If she wins the Oscar then she may still join the luminous heights of Liza Minnelli, who won the Oscar in 1972 for Cabaret, and followed this up sixteen years later with a Razzie for Rent-A-Cop. Swings and Roundabouts…

The infographic below from Betway breaks down the various high (and low) fliers in the singer-turned-actor stakes. They also touch on which genres are most likely to be attempted (and which ones are most likely to fail…). Though things are looking very good for Lady Gaga this Sunday night you can never rule out a Battleship-sized upset on the horizon…

Take a look at how things have broken down in the past.

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