Just watching this new trailer for The Beaver makes me remember how flipping good this movie was. Honestly, you won’t be disappointed. Put aside any dislike, or disdain you have for Mel Gibson’s personal life and go and see this movie when it’s released on 17th June in the UK. You can read my review of it from SXSW right here. In a nutshell, I absolutely loved it!

Plagued by his own demons, Walter Black was once a successful toy executive and family man who now suffers from depression.  No matter what he tries, Walter can’t seem to get himself back on track…until a beaver hand puppet enters his life.

You’ll realise when you see this trailer that the movie is by no means a comedy but a deep, powerful film about people who go through problems all the time and the sometimes crazy lengths they will go to, to get through them.

Thanks to Blogomatic 3000 for the heads up.

Check it out below.