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Final Scores: The Top 20 Summer Movies


In many ways this was always going to be a ‘Marking Time’ summer. The hoopla of debuting blockbusters was constantly being eclipsed by breaking news about the big summer movies of 2015/16. With photos and plot details being drip-fed all summer from the sets of Star Wars: Episode VII, Avengers: Age of Ulton and Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, it took a bit of effort to get genuinely excited about the upcoming fourth Transformers movie.

There was an orderly, uncontroversial tone to the summer line-up this year; everybody behaved as predicted. There were no Lone Rangers or John Carters; no Battleship-level disasters. The biggest disappointments of the season were probably Seth MacFarlane’s Ted follow-up, A Million Ways to Die in The West and the entirely unwanted Expendables 3 (which scraped back $27m; barely enough to cover the cod liver oil and Sanatogen allowance for the cast).

Instead, the malaise was spread across the entire summer schedule. For the first time in 13 years, no summer movie breached the $300m mark (last year’s Iron Man Three made $409) and all told, the box office tally was 15% down on last year – July’s comparative drop off was a terrifying 30%! Even in victory, battles were lost and with budgets spiralling towards the £200m mark in some cases, many of the big-hitters in this list weren’t hitting quite as big as they thought they were.

Jersey Boys

20. Jersey Boys

The movie adaptation of the Broadway and West End phenomenon was poised to become this year’s Mama Mia! but instead, the musical biography of Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons turned out to be 2014’s Rock of Ages. A collective critical yawn and a baffling absence of fun resulted in an unimpressive $46m haul, and a broad consensus that after Invictus, Hereafter and J. Edgar, Clint Eastwood’s astonishing, late-period purple-patch has run its course…at least for now.

19. Planes: Fire & Rescue

A Pixar-less summer, the first since 2005, was the likely excuse for this unwanted sequel to a knock-off that nobody cared for making an appearance in the Top 20. With only $56m in the bank, perhaps SOMEONE at Disney will realise that there is nothing remotely appealing about anthropomorphic vehicles (unless of course you’re a toy manufacturer).

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If your pub team is short of an encyclopedic Bond or Hammer fan (the horror people, not the early-90s, billow-trousered rap icon) - then he's our man. Given that these are rather popular areas of critical expertise, he is happy to concentrate on the remaining cinematic subjects. He loves everything from Michael Powell to David Lean, via 70s New Hollywood up to David Fincher and Wes Anderson; from Bergman and Kubrick to Roger Corman and Herschell Gordon Lewis. If he could only take one DVD to the island it would be Jaws, but that's as specific as it gets. You have a lovely day now. Follow him at your own risk at https://mobile.twitter.com/CaiRoss21


  1. Great summary of the summer. I am not sure why opinions were SO mixed on Godzilla. I thought it was EASILY the best Godzilla movie of all time. I mean have the complainers actually seen any of the source material? The new Godzilla was The Godfather comparatively. Apes, Xmen and Guardians were my other favs of the summer. Disappointing though Michael Bay will be reinforced to make more Transformers of the same ilk. T4 was the worst. I liked Revenge of the Fallen better for goodness sake. Yet it still made a billion globally so another one is on the way. I mean, Optimus easily flying at the end kind of defeats the purpose of a lot of the crap from the first three doesn’t it? Sigh…..

  2. I hear tell that Michael Bay is handing the reins to another director for Tran5formers. It would be nice if they gave it to Lars Von Trier to play with but I suspect that Louis Leterrier is already on the phone to Hasbro. Thanks for the comments

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