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Fantastic New Poster For Kevin Smith’s Red State


In case you missed it, this week saw the release of a brand new trailer for Kevin Smith’s forthcoming horror thriller, Red State, and it is all kinds of awesome.

Now CoopersDell.com have a brilliant new poster for the film that brings a different feel to the majority its first posters, no longer set against the black background, but keeping the same scratched-up touch.

For those who’ve been following this film since it went into production, and then screened at Sundance earlier this year, you’ll know that Smith is doing something different with this film. Rather than spending a fortune advertising a film he made with $4m., he’s promoting it all himself, online, for free.

He’s also announced that he’s going to be holding a week-long screening of the film, with most screenings followed by a Q&A with Smith, at Quentin Tarantino’s New Beverly Cinema, out in LA. Doing this will mean that Red State will then qualify at the Oscars early next year. Now, a lot of people might think that that sounds presumptuous or egotistical on Smith’s part, but in an interview he’s given with MovieLine, he explains that the reason he’s doing it isn’t for himself, but for the benefit of his cast.

“To be clear: this Academy-qualifying run is STRICTLY about the ACTORS… I’m not looking for consideration (or even kevsideration) for myself; I just want to see the true talents behind our flick get at least a shot at their propers… When December 31st rolls around, if there aren’t five better supporting actor performances than the dramatic clinic Michael Parks operates in Red State, he should get a nod, no? Same with John Goodman. Same with Melissa Leo. Same with anybody in our cast. Why NOT them?”

Damn right.

Fun Fact about the recent trailer and this new poster: Tweeted directly from the writer-director himself, from @ThatKevinSmith, the new trailer was going to include Smith’s Cop Out credit to promote the film, but he decided to go in a different direction:

“P.S.- As a big ol’ “Fuck ’em,” the trailer used to have the line “From the director of Cop Out.” I went with “From @ThatKevinSmith” instead.”

Genius. I’ve got so much love for this man, and I really can’t wait for the film to come out here on 30th September this year. The new trailer and poster are both absolutely fantastic, and have just got me even more excited about seeing the film.

Though nowhere on the Internet seems to have written about who the poster features, by my eyes, it definitely looks like it’s the young actress, Kaylee DeFer, who’s recently joined the cast of Gossip Girl. And she looks awesome in this poster, holding the gun close with her head cast upwards, only partially in shot. Without further ado, here it is. As usual, click to enlarge.


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