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Interview – Justin Timberlake Talks In Time


The thing that interested me the most, about Justin Timberlake in this movie, is that he has no idea what it’s like to be the 99%.  The film deals with the idea that a small group of wealthy people control most of the time, which is the only currency, and the remaining 99% are left to share what is left. Timberlake was a star at such a young age that money started rolling in relatively early for him. So playing Will Salas would have him tap into what it’s like to NOT be Justin Timberlake.  I think Justin is a talented guy and did a great job with what little he had to work with.  “In Time” marks the first real starring role for him as an action star. which of course I couldn’t resist asking him about.  Besides that he talked about how he prefers acting to singing as it feels more personal to him, which answered most of our music questions.  No word yet on when he’ll return to the mic but both Matt and Amanda talked about how he spent most of his time, between takes, serenading the cast and crew.  He also talked about how the film could not have been shot anywhere else but Los Angeles as it is a city obsessed with age.  Hell, I was just trying to refrain from making a Just-In Time pun. Here is my exclusive chat with the multi-talented Justin Timberlake.


HeyUGuys:You’ve done comedy and drama, how was being the action star in this one, did you like doing that?

Justin Timberlake: Of course, that’s like boyhood fantasies lived out: To shoot guns and kiss the girl and beat the bad guys. And you get to do it where Colleen Atwood puts a suit on you.  You get to drive a Jaguar. You know I told Andrew the future looks surprisingly retro in his mind.  You know? I kind of dig that about it.  My favorite sci-fi movies are the ones where everything is NOT that far off from, aesthetically, not that far off from where it is today. But kind of has it’s own uniqueness to it. I really like that about this movie as well.

HeyUGuys:What sort of similarities to you find between you and your character Will?

Justin Timberlake: There are so many. This is the first time that I’ve felt like it was the most personal.  Everything that happens to Will is so tangible, even though this is such an otherworldly concept. Everything that happens with him and his mom, everything that happens… those basic feelings of revenge and contempt and wanting to change the system I think is something that everyone can relate to, I think.  I know I could.  They have a real basic level for me, those feelings. Plus, I think you always find a little bit of yourself in the characters you play, even if you’re playing the bad guy. No one thinks they’re the bad guys. Everyone wakes up and they’re the lead character in their own movie.  I mean, where not like “Oh well, I’m Captain Hook!” We all think we’re Peter Pan!



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