Part one of our interviews is with leading animator, Andreas Deja who was the supervising animator for Mama Odie in the movie. During the interview I find out what his role is on a day to day basis, how they come up with a characters look and how he felt returning back to hand drawn animation after such a long time away from the paper and pen.
You’ll also notice that Andreas has a pad on his lap. During the interview he started drawing his latest, Mama Odie on the pad and we were lucky enough to capture the entire event on camera. I’ve edited it so that you can see both his interview and the drawing that he’s doing while I continue to ask him questions. And who ever said men can’t multi-task?!
The Princess and the Frog is out this Friday in all cinemas and we know you’ll love it. You can check out our review here or for even more info on the movie, you can watch the press conference in full here.