Last week, I got to attend the press junket for the new Harry Potter Studio Tour at Leavesden Studios in Hertfordshire. As well as talking with many of the cast of the movies (see previous interviews here), we got to chat with the a man who makes all the creatures possible and also a man who ended up being one (or two actually) of those creatures. The men in question would be Warwick Davis who played Griphook and Professor Flitwick and Nick Dudman who is credited as Creature Effects Supervisor and Makeup Designer but that only scratches the surface, as Nick (along with his extensive team) is the man who brings all these creatures to life in so many ways.
During the interview, I find out how they feel about opening the doors to all the secrets of their movie making process and also which is their favourite of all the creatures that they’ve created. I also ask the question I asked to all my interviewees, which vehicle both of them would rather drive, the flying Ford Anglia or the Knight Bus. Find out the answer below!