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Exclusive Interview: Taylor Kitsch talks Battleship


Yesterday we had our interview with Director Peter Berg and today we get to hear from the lead actor in Universal Pictures’ new movie Battleship. The man in question is Taylor Kitsch and you may know him from recently released Disney movie John Carter. John Carter had very mixed reviews from the critics and was completely grilled at the box office as it didn’t do very well to become one of the biggest (if not the biggest) box office losses in movie history.

I address that issue with Taylor in this interview and ask him how he moves on from something like that as an actor. I also ask whether he thinks there could ever be a sequel to the movie and find out what it was like shooting this epic new movie, Battleship aboard some of the most famous US Navy vessels of all time.

I also ask about what the main differences shooting these big budget movies over a TV series compared to feature movies with a lot of TV. We also chat about The Goonies!

You can see all our coverage of Battleship right here.

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFLUeUvF9Es’]



  1. I loved John Carter – it is a superior sci-fi adventure, and in no way deserves the bad rap it has got.  Taylor Kitsch is the reason I’ll go to see Battleship.

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