Dick Tracy was a peculiar film on its release some 20 years ago. Maligned by some as bloated and ridiculous, enjoyed by others for its fidelity to the tone of its source material, it has continued to divide audiences ever since. Personally, I could gladly go without more of Warren Beatty’s detective, but there is seemingly something bubbling away in Hollywoodland.

Perhaps given the rise and rise of comic book movies in recent years it was inevitable that studios would look at all possible options, including those for which they presumably already hold the rights. Allusions to a possible sequel to Dick Tracy have been gleaned from an interview with Beatty at the Hero Complex festival in Los Angeles, but to be honest the clip below contains little more than cobbled together hearsay. Whilst a sequel rather than a reboot would be admirably trend-bucking (“let’s make it darker, more gritty”), some recasting must surely be on the cards. Beatty is 74 years old for starters.

What say you? Intrigued by more Dick Tracy? Did the original film do much for you?

Source: Clevver Movies.

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqXnfbM1fHw&feature=player_embedded’]