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Diablo III open beta weekend announced


Blizzard have today announced they will be running an open beta weekend for any players with a battle.net account. The trial will run from today (20th April) til Monday the 23rd at 10 Am. During the trial players will be given access to all five of the games classes to get a feel for how they play, characters will be able to get to level 13 so you can have a chance to play around with a few different abilities as well as plenty of time to test out a few weapon combinations to see which one you feel suits you best.

If you don’t have a battle.net account don’t let that stand in the way of your chance to play as registration simple and free, interested beta testers have been advised to download the Diablo III client ( check below for a link) in order to secure their place in the event which is guaranteed to be getting very crowded very soon, so for the best chance to get involved I suggest you start downloading now people. Although it is more likely to be a good promotion idea than an actual beta test seeing as how soon the games full release date is (May 15th) its still a great chance to get some free play on the game.

To download the Diablo III client go to this link https://us.battle.net/account/download/index.xml and follow the instructions, enjoy!


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