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Deep Blue Sea Blu-ray Review


class=”alignleft size-full wp-image-47397″ title=”deep blue sea blu-ray” src=”https://www.heyuguys.com/images/2010/10/deep-blue-sea-blu-ray.jpg” alt=”” width=”175″ height=”220″ />In the age when the inmates are not only running The Asylum but are given decent enough budgets to come up with Mega Octopus Vs. Giant Shark and Sharktopus, catching up with Renny Harlin’s Deep Blue Sea is an almost nostalgic look back to a time when the overflowing cup of CG creature features had a solid, if equally silly, foundation to tell their tales of galeophobia.

Taking itself a little too seriously, the B-movie hokum is in full swing here as Saffron Burrows, Thomas Jane and Samuel L. Jackson experiment on Shark’s brains with no idea of the toothy consequences and there’s a whole lot of screaming and swimming between the blood and gnashing. The only thing missing is the frickin laser beam, and this film came out two years after Austin Powers.

The Blu-ray transfer is good, not outstanding but the real impression is made in the audio department. My speakers were rumbling and mix on the disc truly adds to the experience. Never having owned the DVD I can’t compare the special features, but I’m told the commentary with Harlin and Jackson is the same on both, as are the other extras which include trailers, TV spots, some featurettes on sharks and the obligatory deleted scenes.

What this boils down to is this: If you have the DVD then there’s not a huge reason to upgrade although the superior sound and sharper picture are incentive if you’ve never picked up this silly, but very enjoyable movie. And the chance to see the Samuel L. Jackson moment (you know the one I mean) looks great in higher definition.

An unexpected bonus of reviewing this Blu-ray was that I stumbled upon this old site which must have been forgotten in webvaults of Warner Bros but it’s a nice, if quirky, look at how the internet was being used to market films eleven years ago, just as Blair Witch was starting to make some noise. Not look at us all, eh?


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