“Dan Dare,” created by Frank Hampson, first appeared as a comic in 1950 and centered on a gallant chief pilot of the Interplanet Space Fleet. Time frame was the 1990s and the complex adventures were set on planets presumed to have extraterrestrial life.
Dare, described as the British equivalent of Buck Rogers, also appeared in radio programs and a TV series, “Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future.”
Rights were obtained from Dan Dare Inc. through Colin Frewin, who exec produces along with Dan Lin.
Basil Iwanyk, the guy who produced Clash of the Titans, is set to produce the film under Thunder Road which will be overseen by Kent Cubena. The Warner Bros. executives are Sarah Schechter, Ollie Madden, and Matt Milam.
So for those of you that get excited over crazy stellar aviation, brace yourself for a whole new type of space adventure when it comes time for Dan Dare to take his maiden voyage onto the silver screen.