Based on the graphic novel by created by Scott Mitchell Rosenberg, Cowboys & Aliens leads us through this sci-fi western with loner Jake Lonergan, played by the ever-manly Daniel Craig (Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace), waking up with a mysterious shackle on his wrist and no recollection of who or where he is. It is soon revealed once he swaggers into town that he is an outlaw with a bounty, but before his captors can take him in for the reward, you guessed it, ALIENS HAPPEN.
Now, if you think this is going to be anything other than kick-ass, please feel free to watch the teaser below, remind yourself that Jon Favreau is directing, then get back to me. With an impressive cast of Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, Olivia Wilde, Sam Rockwell and Paul Dano, Cowboys & Aliens is slated to hit theaters this year on July 28th in the US, August 19th in the UK.
Cowboys & Aliens Teaser Trailer
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