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Conor McGregor: Notorious Review

Conor McGregor: Notorious

Conor McGregor, a man that has risen from the ashes. A man that many people love and admire for his achievement’s, but also equally a man people loath and immediately assume arrogance fuels him. Yet, a large percentage of the population hasn’t even heard of this Dublin born fighter or UFC for that matter. With his latest documentary launching into cinemas this November, Conor McGregor: Notorious will have fans loving this exploration of one of the most famous underdogs in sporting history and those who knew nothing or very little are sure to gain great knowledge.

Filmed over the course of 4 years, this takes us back to when fighting for a title or a belt, let alone two was just a dream for Conor. Watching this man relentlessly train, sacrificing nights out with friends for waking up at the crack of dawn to get down the local club, this is not a man that expected the world to be handed to him on a silver plate, this is a man that deserves to be exactly where he is now. With a vast support network with him every step of the way, Notorious takes us on a journey that is jam packed full of determination, emotion and enough charisma to last a lifetime; not to mention the plethora of sunglasses you will see this chap model throughout. 

All you can do when this man is on screen is smile. His all-consuming aura fills every corner of the room; oozing with self-assurance, confidence and above all else love for Ireland. Flaunting his money at press conferences and weigh in’s, turning up in the most eccentric and outlandish get ups as possible can be seen as nothing but egotistical, albeit this man never thought he would have this much dosh and now he intends to spends it. It’s strange to see this man bare chest, without his pecs donning the iconic tattoo that now sit there; marking how juvenile this man was until he along with most of the world following UFC knew what he was capable of.

Rapidly making the UFC board more money than they thought was possible, he could ask for anything he wanted, including the chance to hold two belts at the same time; something that has never happened before in the sports history – and he only went and bloody done it.    When the world heard he was going to take on Floyd Mayweather, we never expected him to last 30 seconds, never mind 10 rounds in a boxing match where he couldn’t fall back on his MMA training – but boy did the man give it his all. As we explore the various injuries and setbacks this sportsman had, it’s painfully obvious that he wants to fight and will do anything to allow him to do so. Viewers will travel through unseen footage from this man’s personal life to unforgettable moments of previous fights to find themselves routing for McGregor, fan of people beating each other up or not. 

From a plumbing apprenticeship to being the current UFC Featherweight Champion, as clichéd as it sounds, hard work and fortitude really can take you anywhere. This is an access-all-areas look at life of the biggest fight star the world has ever seen; interesting, insightful and certainly makes you want a cuppa, get a new suit and have a swig of whiskey all at once (and perhaps persuade yourself to go for a jog afterwards).

Conor McGregor: Notorious is in selected theatres Wednesday 1st Oct

Conor McGregor: Notorious
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Hey guys, I’m a freelance film critic reviewing anything from Silent Cinema to Scorsese and Ghibli. In my spare time I produce and direct short films and music videos for local artists.
conor-mcgregor-notorious-reviewThis is an access-all-areas look at life of the biggest fight star the world has ever seen; interesting, insightful and certainly makes you want a cuppa, get a new suit and have a swig of whiskey all at once.


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