Adam asked him about the challenges bringing such and well-known and well-loved entity and making it new once again as well as whether the big-screen adaptations influenced the way in which it was put together. Mendes himself brings up the similarities to bring his own version of this play to that of his James Bond work and before Adam was even able to ask the question about an update as to whether Mendes will be helming Bond 24, we got this response from the man himself:
“In answer to the question you’re going to ask, I don’t know yet. I’m in discussion over the ‘B’ word and I won’t make any decision until this is open. It’s taken a long time to get this open and this has been my focus”.
So no news as yet I’m afraid but we’ll do our best to let you know as soon as we hear anything more. Sam Mendes’ interview is below along with the other interviews we conducted from the evening from those super excited to see the new stage show including Lucy Dahl, Roald Dahl’s daughter.