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Casting Complete on Live Every Litre Documentary


Last month Dave and I participated in a very exciting project to create a documentary chronicling ordinary people making their dream journeys.

Live Every Litre was created to celebrate the new Honda hybrid car, but the scope and purpose of the project expanded when Honda secured the services of Claudio Von Planta, director of the epic Long Way Round and Long Way Down documentaries.

Designed to be the ultimate road movie using a dozen or so journeys, Live Every Litre will follow these disparate people as they travel their roads not taken, and it has been a truly interactive project from the start, and we were involved in putting together the shortlist (you can watch Dave’s video report here)

Making great use of the online and social networking tools available the project was launched and the invitation went out to the whole world to come up with the ultimate journey. The entries we saw varied from emotional to the hedonistic, to perform madcap stunts or realise a lifelong dream and the chosen entries each evoke the fundamental ethos of thus documentary: that every journey should be lived, rather than taken.

We were very happy to be involved as the project will have a hugely positive effect on the people involved. The journeys, while fixed in destination and purpose, still hold the possibility of the unknown and there’s a way you can become involved too.

On each of the people’s journey page you get an idea of what they are looking to achieve, their route and a suggestion box where you can advise on the route each person is taking or suggest something for them to do.

You could suggest that the guy following Metallica on tour could get his car signed by the band. Or perhaps set the DJ couple a task to collect samples from each of the stops on their journey an incorporate them into a song.

It’s a great opportunity to get involved in this project and we hope to he able to bring you more as the project goes into production.

You can find out about the project at www.liveeverylitre.com, you can view the profiles of the chosen few and get involved.


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