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Buzz: The Hobbit vs The Dark Knight Rises vs Prometheus Social Media Impact Graphs


The clever chaps at UK PR Company Way to Blue (WTB) have done it again and delivered some fabulous graphs detailing the impact of trailers released just before the Christmas holidays when we saw he Hobbit (Peter Jackson), The Dark Knight Rises (Christopher Nolan) and Prometheus (Ridley Scott) all released. All three of these movies are going to be massive but the hype for each has beaten any that I’ve ever seen before. WTB released an infographic a while back for the trailer release of Snow White and the Huntsman and Mirror Mirror and this time have created various graphics / graphics showing the social media impact of the three movies stated above.

Again, I’m a little surprised at the results. I know The Hobbit is hugely anticipated but from the stats we collected from the three different trailers, The Dark Knight Rises was by far the most popular. This does of course not mean a huge amount as it can depend on the time of day, how long after it hits we post hit and various other factors. They also have graphs detailing which director had the most buzz and various other bits and bobs, all of which are awesome.

Anyway, without further ado, here’s the graphs but before you scroll down, let us know which movie you’re looking forward to seeing most our of the three detailed here:

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