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Back to the Future Love-Letter “Great Scott” Is In The Works


We all have films that we love dearly. Often it relates to how old we were when we first saw it, or some thematic elements that resonate with us. Obviously a certain amount of love for the 80’s in general and The Goonies in particular lies in the background of HeyUGuys, which makes news of Great Scott welcome indeed.

Perhaps echoing some of the sentiments (if not the form of execution) of Son of Rambow, Great Scott will see a Manchester teenager seeking to escape the tedium of his life by trying to become Marty McFly, having seen the 1985 film and decided that such is how is life could be.

Alex Child and Harold Bleetman wrote the script, which is due to be directed by one Phil Hawkins (director of last year’s ultra-low budget Being Sold). It looks like pretty low-profile stuff so far, which is of course not necessarily a bad thing. Casting work will kick off shortly, with production due to be underway around Easter time.

It goes without saying that there is bucket-loads of scope for a wonderfully nostalgic look at BTTF, the pervasive impact it has had on all of us who grew up with it and a warm and guileless look at one boy’s efforts to generate the necessary 1.21 gigawatts. Hopefully it will be suitably affectionate and won’t simply try to ham-fistedly hang off the coat-tails of its much beloved inspiration.

As always, more as we get it. Source: Movie Hole.


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