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Bryan Singer Talks X-Men: Apocalypse, Rogue Being Cut and Wolverine’s Claws



X-Men: Days of Future Past hasn’t even been released yet, but a sequel – titled X-Men: Apocalypse – has already been slotted in for release in 2016. It was recently reported that Bryan Singer will be retuning to write and produce, with an eye to also direct.

Empire Online recently caught up with Singer, and after emphasising the fact that Apocalypse will be “more of a First Class sequel” than a spin-off from the future set scenes of Days of Future Past, he went on to debunk recent rumours that the after-credits scene of that movie will see an alien Apocalypse crash to Earth and possess Magneto; a change which upset a lot of comic fans.

“What happens in this movie brings about what’ll happen in that movie. That’s not the case and neither will that particular thing be in the film. People were concerned we were making Apocalypse an alien. It’s odd. I don’t know where that came from.”

For those of you who don’t know, the ancient En Sabah Nur is a mutant literally thousands of years old, and his main goal is to wipe out the human race, while simultaneously ensuring that only the strongest mutants survive. Apocalypse’s powers are almost limitless, and they include superhuman strength, optic blasts, flight and pretty much every other devastating ability you can imagine. He’s evil, remorseless and one of the most despicable villains in Marvel history. In short, the perfect choice of baddie to be brought to the big screen! That’s a statement that Singer clearly agrees with:

“One thing that interests me is the notion of ancient mutants. What would people thousands of years ago, without the benefit of science, think mutants were? And more importantly, what would mutants thousands of years ago think they were? Gods? Titans? Angels? Demons? And if such mutants did exist thousands of years ago, what became of them? Did one survive?”

Another interesting question addressed in the interview was the fact that Wolverine appears to have his adamantium claws in the future set scenes of X-Men: Days of Future Past, despite losing them in The Wolverine last year. Apparently, Magneto’s ability to manipulate metal may have had something to do with it as he can, “reconstitute the adamantium claws… [Wolverine] has a different relationship with Magneto, and perhaps Magneto could forge them.”

That’s not the only question to have been raised this week as fans have been left baffled by the fact that Rogue was featured on one of the Empire Magazine covers, despite reports that she’s been cut from the movie. “It does not mean that we won’t see her in the film,” Singer revealed. “Also, I hope to make the sequence available on the DVD as she was quite wonderful in it. She is an important part of the X-Men family. I’m very pleased she will remain as one of Empire’s anniversary covers.”


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