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Bright Review


In a world where there are humans, elves and orcs living together, anything can happen and just about everything does. The only difference though between Bright and Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings is that the orcs are semi-decent to look at and are almost accepted into society. However, in this case they’re seen as pretty much the bad guys.

In the city of Los Angeles, Officer Ward (Will Smith) and his orc partner Nick Jakoby (Joel Edgerton) who happens to be the only orc in the police force, are simply doing their job by responding to an emergency call. From then on, all hell breaks loose and there’s magic wands, death, violence and amongst all that is a tonne of comical humour.

Related: Watch our interviews from the Bright Premiere

Directed by David Ayer and with a funky and upbeat 21st century soundtrack, the opening credits gets you excited for the next 118 minutes. What’s not funny about Will Smith wearing a dressing gown and swatting a fairy with a broomstick? – In this fantasy version, somehow fairies are portrayed as pests and are easily executed.

Bright - Will Smith & Joel Edgerton

Bright combines fantasy with hard-hitting cop drama with the additional sprinkle of societal issues, (by featuring playground-like-bullying to Jakoby just because he’s the only orc in the team. Hello diversity interracial issues).

The concept behind the story is unique and not what you see in an everyday movie. It’s original, and even though it’s a bit too long winded, it’s more than just a cop movie. Will Smith and Joel Edgerton make a cracking pair and together the comedy is endless. Each of them fire one liners that make you laugh from start to finish… even when you’re in the middle of watching a violent scene where there’s sudden unforeseen deaths. You’re filled with every emotion when watching this film but with twists and turns throughout, it’s sometimes hard to keep up with what’s going on.

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Alex is a freelance Journalist who has been writing for HeyUGuys since 2017, after she graduated from the University of Westminster. Now CEO of Just Life Productions, Alex has started a career in producing and writing for film and TV. She has just finished producing her first award winning short film, and has started co-writing a short series which will be released on to YouTube in the near future.
bright-reviewDiverting, if daft. This is a film that would have fallen flat on its face if it were not for the charisma of its lead actors.


  1. Saw tan awful trailer several days ago and dreaded watching ‘Bright’ when the wife clicked on it. I was pleasantly surprised. It was amusing throughout. Yes, I would watch a sequel.

    Alex Clement’s review is solid, but this kind of movie isn’t to be taken too seriously. It isn’t art. That’s what makes the artful moments stand out.

  2. Nice to see some new ideas in the film industry. It’s been a while since I have seen anything original so will definitley be giving this film a look.

  3. Watched this today as I had a couple of hours spare, enjoyed the film but if this had been given a bigger budget for the effects and to add a little more fantasy element I would have been blown away. They could do worse than build a tv show around this universe

  4. I watched half of this then fell asleep. Not because it wasn’t any good but it was 2-3 am lol, I will have to watch the rest as I did enjoy what I saw it was funny and different

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