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Bloodthirsty Images of Gemma Arterton on Byzantium Set


Filming of Neil Jordan’s Byzantium continues on the southern coast of England and more pictures have emerged from the production.

Previously we saw Gemma Arterton in a red dress which went round the internet like the plague (but a good plague) and the images from yesterday’s filming continue the theme of beachbound shenanigans, albeit with a more bloodsucking bent.

Arterton and Saoirse Ronan lead Jordan’s film which is based on Moira Buffini’s play about a mother and daughter who are both vampires. Sam Riley, Daniel Mays and Caleb Landry Jones makes up the rest of the principal cast. Looks nuts. Can’t wait.

The Sun had these first, and there’s an extra pic over at their site which is littered wit punnery of assorted merit.

gemma arterton on set of byzantium



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