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Angry Birds: The Movie?


class=”alignleft size-medium wp-image-39161″ title=”Angry Birds” src=”https://www.heyuguys.com/images/2010/08/Angry-Birds-450×300.jpg” alt=”” width=”221″ height=”147″ />I had to double check that today’s date wasn’t April 1st when I read about this.

Variety are reporting that the creators of the popular iPhone and iPad game Angry Birds (Edgar Wright compared it’s playability to like being “addicted to crack” in a recent Tweet) are toying with turning the game into a multifaceted franchise, including a TV show and potential film version.

As crazy as this initially seems, don’t forget that Battleship sails (sorry) into production shortly and the much-loved board game Monopoly is currently in development to be turned into a feature also. With this in mind, it could be a shrewd move by the Finnish creators of Angry Birds, Rovio, as the game hit 6.5 million in worldwide sales this month, proving the property already has a huge inbuilt audience.

We’ll keep you updated about this when we hear more but in the meantime, I urge everyone to stay away from this game if you intend to live a normal 9 to 5 existence (it’s taken over my every waking moment since I picked up my iPhone a month ago).


  1. I reckon that instead of a movie they should make a cartoon serious out of it. It has all the makings of a Road Runner type series, with a slightly more adult edge.

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