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Aliens Among Us – How much does the UK want to Believe?


Twenty years ago the aliens arrived in a big way, and nothing was the same again.

Arguably the event movie of the 1990s, the world of Independence Day is back in the nation’s cinemas today, with the launch of Independence Day Resurgence. Jeff Goldblum and Bill Paxton are back, along with Liam Hemsworth, Maika Monroe and Jessie Usher joining in to fend off the seemingly impossible alien odds.

With both The X-Files and Independence Day returning to our screens this year it appears that interest in extra-terrestrials is bigger than ever. While most of us are taking in the alien threats from the comfort of our cinema seats, there are some who are watching the skies.

Check out this new video, which looks into the growing phenomena.

Vue Entertainment have commissioned a UK-wide survey to find out more about the nation’s most ardent alien believers, and they discovered how many people believe that aliens are already among us…

According to the research one in six people claim to have seen a UFO, and here in London 51% of the people surveyed believe that UFOs have already landed on Earth.

But don’t worry – two-thirds of those who believe that also are sure that the aliens come in peace. Phew…

Independence Day: Resurgence has launched in Vue cinemas across the country right now, and you can buy your ticket to the alien storm right here: myvue.com

Please note: Sponsored content created by Vue Entertainment


  1. UFO is just something that flies but the viewer doesn’t recognise it. Much as I believe that alien life must exist elsewhere in the universe I don’t believe that it has visited us.

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