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Ace Ventura, Young Guns, Major League and more all set for reboots at Morgan Creek


Is anyone getting reboot/remake fatigue yet? Well doesn’t really matter because we are in for a whole lot more after Morgan Creek Productions have gone through a rebrand, Now to be known as Morgan Creek Entertainment Group they have come up with a strategy to reboot some of the catalogue of titles for TV, Film and streaming.

High up on their priority list of sixty plus titles is to bring titles such as Ace Ventura, Young Guns and Major League back to life mostly as TV series, especially after the TV reboot of Fox’s The Exorcist.

Ace VEnturaSpecial mention is made of the new Ace Ventura film. This will follow the original, which had Jim Carrey playing a zany private investigator who specializes in finding missing animals, and be set for a major theatrical release. The plan is to be a new film in the spirit of the original as opposed to a straight remake – one with a likely ‘baton-handing’ over to a younger character be it son or daughter. The company says they would welcome Jim Carrey to reprise his role.

Those set for a TV revival include Major League” and “Young Guns” franchises along with horror and thriller titles such as “Dead Ringers,” “Diabolique,” “Pacific Heights” and “Nightbreed”. Young Guns is said to already on the table of negotiation with a streaming service, whilst Dead Ringers are already on the lookout for a showrunner.

Morgan Creek has made it clear that they will not move on any remakes/reboots without the prior blessings of the original creators. They have also vowed to create many new and original titles to add to their bulging library of properties.


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