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A Glimpse of The Destroyer from Thor!


Marvel’s many projects seem to be taking over the geek corner of the internet these days, and with the relatively lukewarm response to Iron Man 2 a mere blip in the road to world domination there’s plenty more to come.

One of the most intriguing prospects ahead of us is Kenneth Branagh’s big screen adaptation of Thor, and the casting of Papa Kirk, Chris Hemsworth, alongside Anthony Hopkins and Natalie Portman elevated this one from a curio to a must see movie, and now the eagle eyes of Latino Review have found what they believe to be The Destroyer on set.

Essentially a magic suit of armour, The Destroyer is sent by Loki to defeat Thor, and there’s a detailed history of the character for Branagh and Marvel to plunder. Here’s a pic from Marvel for comparison.

As I’m not entirely au fait with the Thor comic book I’ll link to Marvel’s own in-depth history of the character, but if true this could prove to be a hell of an adversary for Thor. I cannot wait to see how Kenneth Branagh pits these two against each other.


  1. Ive been involved in the sculpture propside of one of the characters who will be in the film for the first ten minutes unfortunatley im not allowed to say anything about it due to copyrite etc it is a shame all the artists involved in films dont get the credit ..but very happy to have been in involved i made his boots and arm covers and cod piece! it took me 3 days!the hours that go into a film like this is huge!Cant say anything else just yet! If anyone needs a sculptor let me know..www.thesculpturestudios.co.uk back to the grind stone! I also fly paragliders see facebook get high cheltenham cotswold paragliding if anyone is interested in flying!

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