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5 Actors who Could Play LUKE CAGE in Netflix’s TV Series


1. Idris Elba


Despite the fact that he’s played Heimdall in both Thor and Thor: The Dark World, Luke Cage is a role that Idris Elba has passionately campaigned for ever since he was first cast by Marvel. The Losers and Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance were not good choices of comic book movies for the star of the BBC’s critically acclaimed Luther, and while some nitpicky fanboys will likely have an issue with him playing more than one character in the same universe, Heimdall and Luke Cage are different enough for an actor as skilled as Elba to make both his own and have most not even realise it’s the same guy! As The Wire’s Stringer Bell, Elba showed that he has all the skills required to portray a believable version of this character, while his various other roles are surely proof enough that his take on Luke Cage would be good enough to garner serious awards attention!


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  1. I doubt they could afford Johnson or Elba. Both would be fantastic. One has the physicality and the other has God level acting chops when the script is worthy.

  2. Exactly what I was going to ask. I think Idris Elba is a great actor but if you want a serious and well acted Luke Cage your ONLY real choice would be Terry Crews.

  3. The Rock isn’t dark enough. Luke Cage is black. He is one of my favorite super heroes of all time. As much as I love Dwayne, The Rock, Johnson, he just isn’t black.

  4. Luke Cage should NOT be played by a youngster for ANY reason. Terry Crews has the unquestionable physicality, the acting ability and the fearsome demeanour needed for Luke Cage. To say he is too old is just ridiculous. I don’t remember seeing anything saying Cage needs to be a teen or young adult and seeing as he’s been around a few decades the character could and should be played with an emphasis on his street experience, which doesn’t come easy, and only with age comes the experience needed to really show the character as he should be. Besides, Crews is only 45 and in better shape than 99% of people half his age.

  5. well in the comics he was like in his 30 I wasnt saying that. Well he wasnt Terry crew body type anyway. Both Danny and Luke had experience but they were not OLDER man. heck they owned Heros for hire

  6. The only actor I agree with on this list is the Rock and that would be a distant number two. I like Idris, he is a great actor, but I would like to see him in a bigger role in Marvel like Black Panther (assuming Djimon Hounsou wasn’t cast) Not too mention Idris has already been in two bit roles. (Ghost Rider and Thor) No, the one and only choice would be Terry Crews. He is an underrated actor, he is built like a brick $h!t house and he also brings some name recognition to the franchise without breaking the bank. I personally envision Luke Cage as being the angry black man with some comedic relief thrown in. Terry has EXCELLENT comedic timing and can play the intimidating angry black man to a “T”. Anyone who says he is too old is out of their mind, especially if they think the starting to have gray in his beard Idris would be a better choice. ( Who is not built like Terry) Besides Terry is only a couple years older than Idris and the Rock. No, Terry is the only choice. When I think of a real life Luke Cage, Terry is the only actor that comes to mind. Besides, the last time Luke looked young in the comics was back in the 70’s as Power Man, and even then he looked like he was in his mid 30’s.

  7. I think that Morris Chestnut would be an Ideal Luke Cage. He has the build and he already looks very much like him. He is also a good actor.

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