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The X-Men Spin-Offs We’d Like to See After X-Men Apocalypse


18. Excalibur


It’s not clear which studio holds the rights to Captain Britain, but his close relationship with various X-Men characters could mean that he belongs to Fox. If that is indeed the case, it would be great to see Brian Braddock leading this unique superhero team into battle in a future movie.

Some of the most notable X-Men to have been part of this group include Nightcrawler, Juggernaut, Daxxler, Phoenix (Rachel Summers), and Kitty Pryde, not to mention Captain Britain’s sister, Psylocke. This team went on some crazy adventures together, mixing some of the X-Men’s foes with the interdimensional threats faced by Captain Britain.

This movie would also take place solely in the UK, and with this side of the pond becoming more and more popular with studios to film in, actually setting it here would distinguish this release from the other X-Men movies and provide a unique tone and feel.


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