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10 Superheroes who Should Become Part of DC’s Cinematic Universe


8. The Flash


Considering the fact that Warner Bros. are planning on introducing Barry Allen in next week’s episode of Arrow (before giving him his own spin-off series in 2014), rumours of a movie in 2016 have left many fans confused as to whether or not the two different Flash’s will coexist on the small and big screen at the same time. If the plans for a movie haven’t been scrapped after the character’s planned introduction in the CW series, a bigger actor than Grant Gustin would need to be found. However, that would also mean that the world of Arrow would unfortunately NOT be part of the DC Cinematic Universe. Flash deserves a movie, but there’s now a lot which makes this choice a little complicated…


  1. Flash should be played by Bradley Cooper who has the natural jokey vibe of Flash plus he has experience with both comedic and serious roles.

    Green Lantern (John Stewart, NOT the guy suggested in this article) should be played by Idris Elba. Elba is an excellent actor who looks the part down to a T and the right writing can make any character interesting, so that’s not an issue.

    Wonder Woman should be played by Jaimie Alexander who has the look and the experience playing the similar character Sif in the Thor movies. She just needs a tan.

    Aquaman should be played by… I’m not sure. Who’s a great blonde actor with a beard? I would’ve named Russell Crowe as a good choice but he’s neither blonde nor available to play two characters in the same universe. I do think Aquaman should be Crowe’s age, though. I can’t imagine the king of Atlantis otherwise.

    Martian Manhunter… I have no clue. Anyone have any suggestions?

  2. @disqus_cSmFg6Ffp1:disqus How about the most blonde guy of hollywood Brad Pitt for Aquaman?
    Martian Manhunter, well I can see Vin Diesel justifying this role, but since he is now in Marvelverse, how about Matthew McConaughey?

  3. Not sure about any of those, really. Brad Pitt doesn’t seem Aquaman-ish in my head and Vin Diesel could look the part for MM but he’s a pretty bad actor. Then again, isn’t MM pretty much emotionless? I guess it could work fine then. Also Marvel and DC have shared actors before (Ryan Reynolds and Ben Affleck most notably).

  4. After some consideration, I actually could see Brad Pitt as Aquaman. I need to Google what he looks like with a full beard lol

  5. If they can get a great team of writers and a great director (Ridley Scott comes to mind for some reason) and someone with the visual genius of Zack Snyder, I can see an Aquaman movie starring Brad Pitt turning out amazing. It could actually end all the Aquaman jokes and earn DC enough money to help fund the (hopefully) inevitable Justice League movie.

  6. I, personally, would like to see Hal Jordan in the first JL movie. To me he is the quintessential Green Lantern. I won’t mind seeing Ryan Reynolds again, actually. He wasn’t a problem with the GL movie. Martian Manhunter has to be CGI(a la Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen). Idris Elba could play his human form. He has the build, the wise voice. He would be perfect!

  7. I respectfully disagree. For one I think John Stewart would be better because it at least diversifies the team (aside from the ALIEN lol). I thought Ryan Reynolds was TERRIBLE. I can’t take him serious and Bradley Cooper as Flash could easily cover the comic relief, and much better in my opinion. Idris Elba would bring the wise-ness and sense of responsibility that a Green Lantern is supposed to have. As far as Elba for Martian Manhunter, I’m not sure his voice would be best. I think Vin Diesel would be good like Mohit Kumar above suggested. He could both play Martian Manhunter’s more human form (with CGI stepping in for his true martian form) and give the Manhunter a distinct, deep voice. Then again, Diesel’s accent doesn’t quite suit who MM is supposed to be. Idk lol

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