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10 Superhero Team-Ups we’d like to see after BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN


3. Green Lantern & The Flash


Once again, this movie could be the perfect opportunity for Warner Bros. to merge their television and movie universes. Grant Gustin’s Barry Allen will make his debut in Arrow in a couple of weeks’ time before gaining the powers of The Flash and speeding off into his own series next year. While 2011’s Green Lantern failed to set the box office on fire, the possible success of Batman Vs. Superman could lead to Warner Bros. realising that team-up movies are the way to go moving forward. What’s great about these two is the fact that Hal Jordan is a cocky and brash adventurer who believes he is invincible, while The Flash is his polar opposite; a modest and clean-cut police scientist. Regardless, they put their differences aside and make one of the greatest teams in comics!


  1. They should keep TV and movie universes isolated from each other. Combining them would take away the creative freedom Arrow enjoys(same for the upcoming Flash series). Let them do their own thing. Arrow has featured a lot of DC characters and most of em are drastically different from their comic book counterparts. Also, Justice League needs actors who can carry a movie on their own. Stephen Amell and Grant Gustin can’t. Let their be full-fledged DC universe on TV isolated from the movie universe. It could be Earth-n to DC’s movie universe, if they ever wish to exploit that concept, that is.

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