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10 Superhero Team-Ups we’d like to see after BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN


8. Iron Man & The Hulk


Much to the surprise of many fans, it was Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark and Mark Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner who had the biggest “bromance” in Avengers Assemble. Last seen taking off in a car together, the two would briefly reunite for Iron Man 3’s after-credits scene before assembling with the rest of their teammates for 2015’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron. As of right now, The Hulk (who was played by Ed Norton in The Incredible Hulk back in 2008) is the only character whose movie hasn’t been granted a sequel by Marvel Studios, and while there has been talk of the Green Goliath getting another chance, we’ve heard nothing definite. So, why not pair Banner and Stark up for their own team-up adventure?


  1. They should keep TV and movie universes isolated from each other. Combining them would take away the creative freedom Arrow enjoys(same for the upcoming Flash series). Let them do their own thing. Arrow has featured a lot of DC characters and most of em are drastically different from their comic book counterparts. Also, Justice League needs actors who can carry a movie on their own. Stephen Amell and Grant Gustin can’t. Let their be full-fledged DC universe on TV isolated from the movie universe. It could be Earth-n to DC’s movie universe, if they ever wish to exploit that concept, that is.

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