6. Scarlet Spider

Scarlet Spider

For some reason, Sony think it’s a good idea for their Spider-Man spin-offs to focus on his villains instead of some of the other Spider-Men. Spider-Man 2099 and Spider-Woman are two potentially fascinating possibilities, as is the Scarlet Spider.

If an instalment in The Amazing Spider-Man were to tackle “The Clone Saga”, the heroic Ben Reilly could be seen to take on this mantle, but even more interesting would be seeing the second Scarlet Spider take centre stage. Peter Parker’s evil and disfigured clone decides to try and become a hero after being cured of his degenerative condition, but the Scarlet Spider is still a very different sort of superhero.

Violent and lacking Peter’s fun loving qualities, Kaine constantly battles with his dark side, but would make for a great protagonist. Would Sony risk exposing audiences to a more aggressive and darker Spider-Man though?