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10 Possible Storylines for Alex Kurtzman’s VENOM Spin-Off


7. Ultimate Venom


In the Ultimate Universe, the Venom symbiote isn’t an alien. It was instead created by the fathers of Peter Parker and Eddie Brock Jr. Eddie is a college student who tracks down Peter and tells him about the substance which he has been storing in secret all these years. Despite being created to cure cancer, when Peter touches it, it bonds with him in a similar way to the alien costume from the regular Marvel universe. He eventually loses control and attempts to destroy it, but an infuriated Eddie uses a second sample and becomes the monstrous Venom in the process. He battles Spider-Man and is seemingly killed after stepping on a downed electricity line. A story like this would obviously need to include Spidey (something they may be hoping to avoid for the spin-off), but it would be extremely surprising if its scientific background isn’t the origin they use for the suit!


  1. ‘Agent Venom’ isnt Venom, c’mon..!
    4 symbiotes would be really cool
    Definitely like to see Venom and Carnage in the same movie!

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