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007 Legends announced by Activision / Blizzard



Activision have today announced a brand new James Bond title named ‘007: Legends’. The game is being developed by Eurocom, the same guys who handled the really rather good Wii version of ‘Goldeneye 007′, and subsequently the piffin’ dreadful remakes for Xbox 360 and PS3.

Don’t let this put you off though, it’s genuinely sounding quite intriguing…

The press release states the game is going to be crafting an ”original, overarching storyline tying together six classic Bond movies” which will conclude with the upcoming Skyfall, released this December as the 23rd film in the series.

Players will be equipped with ”state-of-the-art spy gadgets, an arsenal of weapons, including Bond’s signature Walther PPK, and sleek vehicles”, we’re presuming not to romance Bond girls in, sadly.

Along with that, the game will feature the popular MI6 Ops Missions from ‘Goldeneye Reloaded’. If you haven’t played it, these were extra missions that challenged the most expert of players, including gadget based and stealth combat. The game will also include four player split-screen. BRING IT. Note to other FPS developers: Let’s keep it this way, eh?

‘007 Legends is expected to drop this autumn, on Xbox 360 and PS3.


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