Oz-The-Great-and-Powerful-BannerOz The Great and Powerful is not far off now, hitting US & UK screens on 8th March. Considering what a sacred cow The Wizard of Oz is, this prequel by Sam Raimi (now putting really clear water between him and The Evil Dead) has remained remarkably free of flack from those, including me, who cherish Judy Garland’s film dearly.

What we’ve seen so far seems to showcase some excellent, imaginative visuals, chiming with the look and feel of Oz while taking advantage of all that 21st century F/X can give a film. Whether the final product holds up in its own right, let alone in comparison to its illustrious forebear remains to be seen, though not long now.

To ease the anguish of waiting, we have here a new clip from the film, with James Franco’s eponymous wizard floating in a giant soap bubble and getting an eyeful of Oz’s luscious, verdant landscapes. Of course not so much as a blade of grass is “real”, but the rendering work is undeniably impressive. Now all we need are the usual – a decent script, affecting acting performances, decent story-telling – and we’ll be fine.

Source: IGN.