The last couple of weeks have seen the new Star Wars and Jurassic Park films give up their first trailers and now Arnie makes good on his promise to return in the new Terminator film.

There’s no getting over the title, which has come for a lot of criticism since its announcement, and with the many tentacled Terminator timeline becoming ever more confusing Genisys is the perfect opportunity to take the series in a new direction. Let’s hope they seize it with a metaskeletal hand.

The first trailer, featuring some very interesting nods to past films as well as old Arnie T (for Terminator), has just arrived and can be enjoyed below…


And here’s the poster. Very Gladiatory. What we do in life, echoes in an endless franchise.

Terminator Genisys Poster

And just because a gallery of images that we’ve seen so far is EXACTLY what you’re craving right now – here we go…

The film will be released on the 3rd of July next year here in the UK, a couple of days after the US debut. If Paramount are smart they’ll release egg timers like this one below, with six months worth of sand in them…
